Interview with ‘Den Melodiosa Bloggen’ in Sweden

Feb 29, 2024By Adam Brice


One of the great things about finally publishing new music has been the opportunity to meet and connect with some amazing people on our mutual love of music. 

I was lucky enough recently to 'e-meet' Thomas from the 'Den Melodiosa Bloggen' music blog out of Sweden. We discussed my first single 'One More Day' and shared more insights about my story. A link to the article is here in case you would like to check it out:

Den Melodiosa Bloggen

A big thanks to Thomas and Henric for their interest and support. And for generally enjoying the music. I really appreciate it. 

And you should check out Thomas' band 'The Walkouts' on your streaming service. Love their stuff. Great songs you will enjoy if you enjoy some melodic rock.